Al Mustafa Academy

Student Profile

At Al-Mustafa Academy, our students are as diverse as the world they come from. Our strength lies in this diversity, as our community brings together individuals from various backgrounds and cultures.

Our students have unique learning styles and are on paths to a wide range of colleges and universities, each suited to their individual talents and aspirations. Despite these differences, there are qualities that unite them.

Our students take an active role in their own education. They possess the understanding, skills, and opportunities to direct their learning, influence outcomes, and become lifelong learners empowered to make a difference in the world.

As IB learners, they are internationally minded individuals who recognize their shared humanity and responsibility for the planet, working to create a more peaceful and better world.

Al-Mustafa Academy students strive to be inquirers, knowledgeable, thinkers, communicators, principled, open-minded, caring, risk-takers, balanced, and reflective. They are naturally curious, think deeply and critically, take risks, and continually reflect on their learning.

At our school, we take pride in nurturing students who embody the attributes of the International Baccalaureate (IB) Learner Profile. Our IB students are well-rounded individuals who strive to make a positive impact on the world through their actions, thoughts, and interactions. Here’s a glimpse into what defines our IB learners:


Our students possess a natural curiosity and a love for learning. They actively seek knowledge and engage in deep, thoughtful exploration. They develop the skills necessary to conduct independent inquiries and research, fostering a lifelong passion for discovery.


IB students acquire in-depth understanding across a broad range of disciplines. They explore globally significant concepts and issues, building a robust foundation of knowledge that they apply in real-world contexts.


Critical and creative thinking is at the heart of our students’ approach to learning. They apply these skills to analyze complex problems and make reasoned, ethical decisions that consider various perspectives and implications.


Effective communication is a key strength of our IB students. They express themselves confidently and creatively in multiple languages, collaborating effectively with others while respecting diverse viewpoints.


Integrity, fairness, and respect are core values for our students. They take responsibility for their actions and decisions, demonstrating strong ethical reasoning and a commitment to honesty and justice.


Our IB learners embrace diverse perspectives, valuing the richness that different cultures and experiences bring. They are open to growth, recognizing that by considering alternative viewpoints, they can enhance their understanding and empathy.


Compassion and a genuine concern for the well-being of others define our students. They act to make a positive difference in their communities and the world, showing empathy, kindness, and a commitment to service.


IB students are courageous in the face of challenges and uncertainties. They approach new situations with confidence, showing resilience and adaptability. They are not afraid to take risks and learn from their experiences.


Our students understand the importance of balance in life. They strive to maintain physical, emotional, and mental well-being, recognizing that a well-rounded approach is essential for success and fulfillment.


IB learners are introspective and thoughtful about their learning and personal development. They critically evaluate their experiences, identifyintrg sengths and areas for improvement to continue growing as individuals and global citizens.